We are Clair Music. We believe that music gives a soul to the universe. Yet, practice can be soul-sucking.  Learning together is what turns practice into play.
Harrison Taee
Graduating from Hogwarts in 2020, Harrison is a Wizard developer 🔮  He is not only a north-star for product vision but also grounds his over-excited cofounder.
Esteban Suarez
After graduating from childhood in 2020, Esteban is an over-excited co-founder working to spread the joy of playing music.
Over the years we have evolved from a simple practice method to a community practice app.
The Common Room Piano
The idea for ClairMusic began around the common room pianos at Duke. Every piano created a natural community where students practiced together. This is where Harrison and Esteban met - playing Clair De Lune.
The Practice Method
The founders were not concert pianists. Learning Clair de Lune was a challenge weathered by the community and a practice method.

The very first app was based on this simple practice method to (1) have bite-sized sections (2) focus for a brief amount of time (3) test yourself after.
Discord for Musicians
From our first app, we learned that music is a bespoke journey.

This time, we wanted to make a platform that gave musicians opportunity without a prescribed method.
NAMM (national association of music merchants) will be our public premier to the world.  We're so excited to take this leap.
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